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Who's Going the Extra Mile

Revised -- 6 August 2003

Synthesis Annex -- Part 9 of 9

Who is Going the Extra Mile


Beyond The Veil, beyond even The Abyss of the deepest reaches of solar space, lies the Kether of the Tree of Life of which we seek.  It has been until the current time, a path less traveled.  It is in a manner of speaking about the ultimate act of Ascension.  [Albeit, there may be a yet further manifestation of true divinity -- see Variations on a Theme.]  

The ancient histories and traditions make it clear that meditating upon one’s navel is not always a fruitful endeavor.  Instead, there are the ingredients of the White Powder of Gold, the ORME, the Star Fire -- all names of that which can spur one on.  Laurence Gardner has done a notable description of this process in his book, Genesis of the Grail Kings [with an excellent lecture at <http://www.karenlyster.com/genesis.html>].  A goodly portion of the ialexandria website is devoted to precisely this issue.  

The key to the ORME, however, is similar to approaching the Ark of the Covenant.  If you’re not ready, the backlash can be deadly.  The always essential prerequisite is to do the work on your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies -- to know thyself.  The unexamined life, as mentioned, is not worth living, but the thoroughly examined life is an essential and critical attribute if one is to embark on achieving the state of Kether.

The curious part is that in all likelihood you can’t go it alone!  Not that you would want to.  Just as science requires peer review to keep one honest, communication between beings is an ideal to be emulated.  There is feedback, new and contrary views, stimulating variations in how others views things, and the necessity for formulating thoughts into coherency.  Meditation is often overrated.  Communication is often underutilized.  The idea of taking a vow as a Bozo-Sattva may have more credibility than we thought.  

There is, of course, the opportunities for pivots, sudden changes in view, radical changes of pace.  And these can be awe-inspiring, divinely motivated, and just plain amazing.  But Creating Reality is infinitely more intense with the power of focusing many minds.  When one is stuck or puzzled by something, simply talking about it to someone else will often remove the block in an instant.  This is connectedness on a macro level.  The quantum world is not as we perceive, but as we mutually agree.  Our agreement forms the world.  

From the physics, we have learned that it is the Quantum Knowing that affects reality.  It is the knowing that rules.  Not doing.  The pen is mightier than the sword because the first can communicate wisdom, whereas the latter’s message is only one of fear.  

There is a curious dream which highlights an important point.  One finds their automobile (their vehicle through life) in dry dock (a decidedly unemotional state of affairs).  Then the job in which one has worked and prospered for years is suddenly gone.  The personal items generated over the years are boxed and set outside the door in oversized boxes too heavy to carry.  And with the vehicle in dry dock, no one to help with the “stuff” or to cart it away to safety, the only reaction is seemingly to rant about how one is being treated after years of selfless and loyal service.  

Then, following a brief but effective tantrum, one realizes this is not reality, this is not the way it happens.  More importantly, there is a sudden realization that it makes no difference what one has done all those long years.  Anyone complaining that “I’ve given you the best years of my life”, should be answered with, “Those were your best years?”  There is no reward, no vested interest, no pension in exchange for all of our doings.  All the doings are instead the experiences, the times when we collected data, transmuted, transformed, and synthesized the experimental results, and thereafter communicated it to others.  

[Or simply collected material for that standup comedy sketch in the afterlife.]  

Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question” is a classic science fiction short story about people over the eons asking their ever more sophisticated computers if there was an exception to the Second of the Laws of Thermodynamics -- i.e., if Entropy could be reversed, if the slow degradation of the energetic universe could be halted and/or changed to one of growth and expansion.  Throughout future history, the question was posed over and over again, as mankind’s computers became enormously more sophisticated -- at one point beginning to independently create itself from itself, to become first a complete planet, and eventually to reside in hyperspace where there were fewer limitations on its abilities.

And yet in all of the queries posed to it concerning entropy, the only answer the computer could ever convey in response was, “There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer.” 

As the universe reached it apex and began to noticeably die, the human race began a species wide quest to collect data for the computer in order to answer the question.  But it was too late.  Eventually, the universe and all of mankind died.  Entropy at gone to the final extreme that our physics had always promised.   

With the exception of the computer residing in hyperspace, which still had The Last Question to answer before it too could pass on.   

After seeming eons, the computer found the answer, but unfortunately, it also discovered that there was no one left to receive the news.  Bummer!  This perplexed the computer, but eventually, after even more eons, it came upon a solution.  Instead, of printing out the result or displaying it upon a computer screen, the computer decided to create an example of the answer, such that any intelligence passing by at some future juncture would see the example, and thereby know the answer.  

Thereby the computer then said, “Let there be light.”  And there was light.  

The moral is, when you come up with the answer, live as an example of the solution.  Any intelligence passing by, with the same or a similar question, or at an appropriate point in their growth, will undoubtedly recognize your example for what it is.  Accordingly, repeat after me: “Let there be light.”  [But first, Get Ye Over It!]

[An intriguing corollary to this idea comes from H. G. Well's The Time Machine, where the hero by traveling into the future recognizes the futility of the present, where all the dramas and traumas not only are forgotten, but make no difference!]

The human experience is a Descent into the Underworld, a Descent into Hades.  For it is the latter from whence all good things come.  The journey may be challenging or trying, or pretty much of a romp.  In all cases, the only thing to ensure you take along for the trip is a heightened sense of humor.  Lighten up -- in every sense of the phrase.  It’s only your life, for heaven’s sake!  [pardon the pun]  

There is in Buddhism the concept of the Bodhisattva, someone primed to enter Nirvana, but who for deeply spiritual reasons remains in the mundane in order to facilitate others in the process of their reaching Nirvana as well.  Such individuals go to the extent of taking Bodhisattva vows -- which as a gesture of compassion is extremely impressive.  

Evan Hodkins has suggested a lighter version of this.  Let us all vow to be a Bozo-Sattva.  Let us vow to lighten up, and in the process, inadvertently lighten up everything and everyone else.  And with enough Bozo-sattvas in the collective, the power of focusing on humor, levity, and the love-mischief of life becomes the irresistible force to move mountains, planets, and curmudgeons.  

At the very least, you’ll end up smiling a lot -- hopefully, not unlike the other individuals to have gotten this far.

Especially, when you press on to:

Wisdom         Abraham         Curiosity         Gnostics

The Fool’s Journey         Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy         Love N’ Death


Or return to the The Library of ialexandriah, and venture forth from there.  Or even back to:

Part 8 of 9 -- Who is Creating         Synthesis         Halexandria Foundation



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