The DesposyniNew - 21 June 2010
Generations 100 -- 111 The Desposyni (aka Let's Be Frank)
After five or so web pages detailing the Romantic heritage enjoyed by so many of the Western world's claim to royal lineages, we now return to the Hebrew connection in the form of Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth. The journey begin in the Middle East, but quickly takes us to the beaches of Southern France... and as time goes by to the more rarified atmosphere of Northern France. It is the latter destination that, incidentally, will be the location for a group of devotees in the know to create -- somewhat in excess of a thousand years later -- the Cathedrals of Northern France. These cathedrals will be based in large part upon the creators' devotion to what they appear to have assumed to be the primary player from the 100th Generation.
Generation No. 100 1. Mary Magdalene [100] Eucharia (=Matthew Syro, Levi of Alphaeus, Jairus Priest, and son of Jonathan Annas, High Priest) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Menehem the Essene (Isaac Patriarch, Manasseh Mages) [90] Judas of Gamia (Chief Scribe) [89] Hezekiah (grandfather of Anna, great grandfather of Mary and great, great grandfather of her son, Jesus) [88] John Hyrcanus I (Prince Priest) [87] Simon Maccabaeus (Prince Priest to 143 BCE) [86] Mattathias of Modin [85] Hasmonaean House of Maccabees -- missing generations (but ostensibly along the High Priest lineage) [62-84] KING DAVID [1-61]
Mary Magdalene (AD 3-63) was descended from the Hasmonaean House of the Maccabees, "a distinguished priestly family prominent in Jerusalem during the 2nd century BCE. At the time of Antiochus IV (~142 BCE) the head of the household was the high priest Mattathias, who initiated the Jewish revolt. Just before he died he nominated his third son, Judas (nicknamed Maccabaeus or Maccabee, ‘the appointed [one]’ or possibly ‘the hammerer’) to be the movement’s military commander. Judas was in turn succeeded by his brothers Jonathan and Simon, and not only they but all their followers were thereafter known as the “Maccabees.” [Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, page 354] "The uprising in which the Maccabees came to prominence -- was prompted largely by the action of King Antiochus IV, Epiphanes of Syria, who foisted a system of Greek worship upon the Jewish community. The Maccabees later re-consecrated the Temple but, successful as the Jews were against Antiochus, internal social damage had been done because the campaign had necessitated fighting on the Sabbath. A core of ultra-strict Jewish devotees known as the Hasidim (Pious Ones) strongly objected to this, and when the triumphant House of Maccabaeus took control and set up their own King and High Priest in Jerusalem, the Hasidim not only voiced their opposition but marched en masse out of the city, in order to establish their own ‘pure’ community in the nearby Wilderness of Qumran. Following an earthquake, Qumran was rebuilt by the Essenes in the later Herodian era. The Essenes were one of the three main philosophical Jewish sects (the other two being the Pharisees and the Sadducees)." [Gardner, page 25] "A fundamental belief of the Essenes was that the universe contained the two cardinal spirits of Light and Darkness. ‘Light’ represented truth and righteousness, whereas ‘Darkness’ depicted perversion and evil. The balance of one against the other in the cosmos was settled by celestial movement, and people were individually apportioned with degrees of each spirit as defined by their planetary circumstances of birth.” [Astrology!] The cosmic battle between Light and Darkness was thus perpetuated within humankind, and between one person and another: some contained proportionately more light, others proportionately more dark." [Gardner page 29]
Speaking of cage rattling.... The struggle between the Light and Darkness is also found in certain Gnostics (c. 200 BCE) traditions, as well as the Marcionites (c. 144 CE), the latter a sect of Christianity. Accordingly, both the Gnostics and Marcionites come far closer than other more traditional sects to adhering to the tenets of the Essenes, and thus from the tradition in which Jesus, himself was raised. This might suggest that Gnosticism and Marcionism represent Jesus Christianities (vice the Pauline Christianity of the Catholic Church) and was thus a much more accurate reflection of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In fact, some Gnostic sects identified Jesus of Nazareth “as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnosis to the earth.” [Wikipedia] Other sects might challenge this, but probably because the version of Christianity under scrutiny is more akin to Pauline Christianity.
Because of the split in the Hebrew ranks -- based upon the irrationally important fact of what precisely one can do on the Sabbath (e.g., push the button on an elevator) -- there was inevitably an attempt to heal the breech. Accordingly, the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene might be viewed as a second attempt at re-joining the more pragmatic and world weary Maccabees, together with the primary royal line from King David (the first such attempt some 4 generations earlier, when Hezekiah's kid married into Mary's and Jesus' line). Mary Magdalene's fundamental role in the royal genealogy is that she marries a member of the royal family, a fellow named Jesus. This role is described in the New Testament (e.g., the Wedding at Cana), and yet, for their own patriarchal reasons, is vehemently denied by the Catholic Church and their spin-offs, the later Protestant sects. The denials went to the extreme of describing the very idea of Jesus marrying as anathema.
In fact, the Catholic church went to the radical extreme of attempting to describe Mary Magdalene as a harlot or prostitute. Of course, this is the same church well known for its practice of pedophilia and any necessary cover-ups to protect the sanctity of the Church. Curiously, Dan Brown's Novel,The Da Vinci Code, [LINK] gives a better description than several tons of Church literature in explaining the heritage of Jesus Christ (and Mary Magdalene).
Meanwhile, the descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus... known as the Desposyni... were to be hounded for generations by the Catholic Church for the simple reason that said royal heirs (the Desposyni) constituted a threat to the power-hungry and patriarchal Church. It must be noted that the history of Jesus and Mary Magdalene have been subject to “severely limited, canonical religious views”, and thus any seeker of the truth is urged to do a LOT of reading on the subject, a portion of which will very likely lead one to find fault with the Roman Catholic Church’s idiotic, ignorant, chauvinistic, but politically expedient view of categorizing Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. This defamation of her character and station in life is just one of the more serious crimes of the Roman Catholic Church -- ranking right up there with the Catholic’s Inquisition, burning of books and pagans, and their numerous other crimes against humanity. Keep in mind that the Catholic Church reveres as its founder and first Pope, Peter. At the same time, the brand of Christianity that the Church follows is closer akin to Pauline Christianity than the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi (in this case, Jesus). As an Essene, Jesus was even more Jewish (if that is possible) than most anyone else living in ancient Palestine. Peter and Paul thus represent the height and might of the Catholic view, while others, such as Laurence Gardner provide a better description:
The Catholic Church’s attempt at murdering any and every member of the Desposyni ("the Heirs of the Lord") can then be seen as purely a political decision to gain control at all costs and to deny control to the royal bloodline. Accordingly, because of the Church, the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene are difficult to unambiguously document. When an historical figure is sufficiently well known that he or she cannot be denied, a serious effort has been expended to change the lines of descent (e.g., referring to Josephes -- the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene -- as the son of Joseph of Arimethea (the latter someone whose lineage is deliberately obscured... and at the same time, to make him an uncle rather than Jesus’ brother). Moreover, when an historical figure is not quite so well known, then he or she is called legendary, mythical, and/or simply fantasy. [Unlimited spin control is everything in hierarchal religions.] Rather than accept such nomenclature, however, the “Descendants of Mary and Joseph” will adhere to the more rational, secular views of more objective scholars and researchers, such as Laurence Gardner (e.g., Bloodline of the Holy Grail, The Magdalene Legacy, et al), who are not constrained by religious doctrine and the wrath of any number of religious hierarchies.
Which brings us up to some comparatively brief notes on Mary Magdalene's husband (and father of her children). 2. Jesus (aka the Christ) (=Mary Magdalene) [100] Mary [99] arbitrary accounting modification [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim; son of Matthat the Zadok (=Sabartia); son of Eleazer the Zadok) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81]] the Mary line: or 2. Jesus (aka the Christ) (=Mary Magdalene) [100] Joseph ab Heli [99] arbitrary accounting modification [96-98] Heli (=Gadat; dau. of Eleazer the Zadok) [95] Mathan [94] Melchi [93] Janna [92] Joseph [91] Mattathias II [90] Amos [89] Naum [88] Esli [87] Nagge [86] Maath [85] Joanna [84] Joanna [83] Rhesa [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] the Joseph line: or for the sake of completeness, and assuming the Cain line: 2. Jesus (aka the Christ) (=Mary Magdalene) [100] Mary (=Joseph) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] Zorobabbel [81] Hadast (=Shealtiel/Pedaiah) [80] Neri [79] Melchi [78] Addi [77] Cosam [76] Elmodam [75] Er [74] Jose [73] Jorim [72] Matthat [71] (space to conform to senior line) [70] Levi [69] Semel [68] Juda [67] Joseph [66] Eliakim [65] Menan [64] Mattatha [63] Nathan [62] David (=Bathsheba) [61] Jesse (=Habliar) [60] Obed (=Abalit) [59] Boaz (=Ruth) [58] Missing Generations [55-57] Salma (=Rachab) [54] Nashon (=Simar) [53] Aminadab (=Thehara) [52] Kiya-tasherit (=Ram) [51] Akhenaten (Moses) (=Mery-kiya, Miriam) [50] Amenhotep III (=Tiye) [49] Tuthmosis IV (=Mutemwiya) [48] Amenhotep II (=Tiaa) [47] Tuthmosis III (=Meryetre-Hatshepsut) [46] Tuthmosis II (=Iset) [45] Tuthmosis I (=Mutnofret) [44] Amenhotep I (=Ahmose-Meritamon) [43] Ahmose I (=Ahmose-Nefertari) [42] Missing Generations [33 - 41] Amenemhet IV (=Sobeknefru, d. of Igrath) [32] Amenemhet III (=Aat) [31] Senusret III (=Mereret) [30] Senusret II (=Nofret) [29] Amenemhet II (=Keminebu) [28] Senusret I (=Nefru) [27] Tohwait (=Amenemhet I) [26] Nefert (=Senusret of Elephantine) [25] Missing Generations [15-24] Ham (=Neelata-mek) [14] Tubal Cain (=Nin-banda) [13] Lamech (=Zillah) [12] Methusael (=Edna?) [11] Mehujael (=?) [10] Irad (=Baraka?) [9] Enoch (=Edna?) [8] Cain (=Luluwa) [7] Enki and Eve [6] Enki and Nin-khursag [5] Anu and Antu (OR Ki) [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] OR... much more simply: 2. Jesus (aka the Christ) (=Mary Magdalene) [100] Enki -- Lord of Earth and Waters, Prince of Eridu, The Great Shepherd, The God of Wisdom. aka Ea, Nudimmud, and (the Egyptian) -- Ptah (=Mary, daughter of Anna) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1]
Jesus (7 BCE to CE 73 - there is considerable controversy concerning said dates) has received a certain amount of notoriety in the last couple of millennia. His name has, among other things, been used in vain, in politics and war, in religion and heresy, in countless prayers, and in so many nefarious ways as to make him quite likely turn over in his grave... tomb... shroud... or whatever. Wikipedia’s version is a notably (and perhaps justifiably) long account; one which consists of almost 100 references. At the same time, however, in large bold, colored letters, the article notes that the material “appears to contradict itself.” That pretty much sums up the canonical view. Particularly noteworthy are two, highly controversial issues. The first is Jesus being crucified, but not dying on the cross (and in fact having a somewhat full life afterwards, doing all the stuff in The Acts of the Apostles and in numerous other, perhaps equally valid historical accounts). The second controversial issue is whether or not Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had (as a minimum) three children, two boys and a girl. From a family tree perspective, the second issue is the all important one (albeit the first issue certainly impacts upon the opportunity and timing to accomplish all of the various aspects of the second issue). Obviously, there are many individuals who might doubt that Jesus had heirs (or even more noteworthy, that his heirs were heir apparent(s) to his kingdom). However, the fact remains that virtually every king, queen, and member of the Royal Folks International (and its fan clubs) believed Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children... and that furthermore, there were also children from the marriage of James the Just (aka Joseph of Arimethea) and his wife Anna -- the latter the daughter of Salome and Lazarus. And thus between these two all important lines of descent, all of the genuinely royal, aristocratic blue bloods descended from four members of what we’re calling Generation No. 100. The degree and directness to which one in the later generations (the 100’s) could trace their lineage back to these four individuals has been one of the primary determinants of who next sat on any throne in the Western world. Furthermore, this exercise in family ties has continued up through the modern day. It might be worthwhile to re-emphasize the determinant that Jesus and Mary Magdalene, along with James and Anna were the progenitors of one of the more substantial royal lines, royal lines that often and continually intermarried with other royal lines. And inasmuch as Jesus could also claim the parentage of a god (e.g., Enki), then marrying into Jesus’ (or one of his descendants’) families was a pretty cool thing to do. Furthermore, the combining of different royal lines has been the fashion for millennia. Nothing has changed in more than 4000 years in that regard... i.e., one’s resume is always improved when one can claim as one’s own: the DNA and blood of a god, however diluted by bits of DNA going astray. Figure 1 is in fact, just one of many examples of the premier family tree outline (where the bit of red indicates Mary and Jesus' place among the very luminaries). Figure 2, on the other hand, provides the more essential detail in beginning the long trek from Jesus and Mary Magdalene, down though the ages. For the moment, this will lead us to Faramund and Argotta of the Franks who combined lineages, circa 420 CE. Figure 1. Highlights of One Family Tree Figure 1. The Desposyni 3. James the Just [98] (Number of generations rectification) [92-97] Mary (=Joseph) [91] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] OR (but one we will not use beyond this point) James the Just [98] (Number of generations rectification) [97] Joseph (=Mary) [96] Heli (=Gadat) [95] Mathan [94] Melchi [93] Janna [92] Joseph [91] Mattathias II [90] Amos [89] Naum [88] Esli [87] Nagge [86] Maath [85] Joanna [84] Joanna [83] Rhesa [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81]
According to Wikipedia -- where clearly a razor’s edge is being trod in order to avoid offending various religious factions (and where we will not be walking said razor’s edge... an activity that is dicey at best):
But don’t bet on it. While most Christians believe that Jesus was, as the Son of God, born of a virgin, defining the relationship of James the Just to Jesus requires some further discussion in order to conform to the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox beliefs in the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, a belief that Mary’s virginity [for no apparent rationale or reason] continued even after Jesus’ birth. [It’s bad enough to be a virgin once a woman is into her twenties... but perpetually so? How extraordinarily sad... not to mention, dismal. Sigh.] On top of everything else, these and other dogmas have led to a smorgasbord of choices of James and Jesus’ relationship. [The good news is that one’s dogma is often run over by one’s karma... and such epiphanies have made all the difference.] The variations include: Full Brother: One assumption is that Jews living in Jerusalem in Christ’s time were still adhering to Mosaic Law, which advised married couples to be fruitful and have many children. That would imply that Mary and Joseph... if they were law-abiding Jews... would have had more children after Mary gave birth to Jesus. This would make James a full brother... assuming that Jesus was the biological son of Joseph and not miraculously conceived. Notably, Josephus (Antiquities) calls James a brother of Jesus. He does not call him a half-brother (homomhtros adelphos or homopatros adelphos), which are the terms usually used by Josephus to describe half-brother, nor does he call James a stepbrother or a cousin of Jesus. Half-Brother: For proponents of the doctrine of Jesus' virgin birth, the claim that James may have been a full brother of Jesus is unacceptable; at most James and the other brethren of Jesus would have been co-uterine half-brothers. This is the view of most Protestants, who believe (based on Matthew 1:25) that Mary and Joseph lived as a sexually active married couple after the birth of Jesus. The gist of this argument would imply that the god-Mary liaison was real, and that James carried the blood of Joseph (as well as Mary) and thus James' DNA was distinct from Jesus’ DNA in that Jesus carried in addition to Mary’s DNA, whatever passes for DNA of a deity. Stepbrother: The most commonly held belief by Eastern Orthodox and Catholics alike is that James was the stepbrother of Jesus. The Protevangelium of James assumes the Greek nature of Jewish practices during this period in history and says that Mary was betrothed to an older relative in order to preserve her virginity (i.e,, he could not have had sex with her as it would have been incest); but that Joseph already had children. Furthermore, James was already a boy when Jesus was born. The Protevangelium of James is considered to be one of the earliest documents (CE 150) still extant, and although it was not included in scripture [Curious as to why not?], its traditional testimony was accepted by the early church. Oh Brother: Those who assert that James and his brethren are not full or half-siblings of Jesus (the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and some Protestant churches/camps/sects) point out that Aramaic and Hebrew tended to use circumlocutions to point out blood relationships; it is asserted that just calling some people "brothers of Jesus" would not have necessarily implied the same mother (or father). Rather, something like "sons of the mother of Jesus" would have been used to indicate a common mother. Scholars and theologians who assert this, point out that Jesus was called "the son of Mary" rather than "a son of Mary" in his hometown (Mark 6:3). Spiritual Brother: According to the apocryphal First Apocalypse of James, James is not the earthly brother of Jesus, but a spiritual brother. Cousin: James could also have been a cousin to Jesus, along with the other named "brethren". This is justified by the claim that cousins were also called "brothers" and "sisters" in Jesus' postulated native language, Aramaic; Jesus' purported language and Hebrew do not in fact have a word for "cousin". Also, the Greek words adelphos and adelphe were not restricted to their literal meaning of a full brother or sister in the Bible; nor were their plurals. This use is still common in Greece and other Balkan cultures. This assumes, naturally that the Middle Eastern authors' usage of Greek reflects their way of speaking. The tradition of considering cousins as brothers or sisters is still evident in most Eastern cultures; as pointed our above, in some languages the term "cousin" does not even exist. Curiously, this view of James as a cousin gained prominence in the Roman Catholic Church, displacing the "stepbrother" view to some extent. Roman Catholics may now choose for themselves whether James was a stepbrother or cousin of Jesus, since either could be true. [Forget for the moment that this choice is about the only one the Roman Catholic Church has ever offered its parishioners.] Joseph of Arimethea: Oops! Now, it’s about to really his the fan. According to Laurence Gardner, James the Just was none other than Joseph of Arimethea. In the first place, Arimethea was not the name of a place (no such place apparently existed in ancient times), but instead is a title. Just as Jesus was the heir to the throne of David, he was accordingly called ‘the David”, while John the Baptist was called ‘the Zadok’, and Joseph ab Heli was called ‘the Joseph’.
The James the Just and Joseph of Arimethea controversy gets even stranger when one considers each of their job descriptions. James, [or Jim, as his friends liked to call him (but never to his face)] has posthumously been described as the first Bishop of Jerusalem. He is believed to have been the author of the Epistle of James in the New Testament [despite rumors of ghost writers]. He was believed to have been, in all respects, a High Priest in Jerusalem. This would make sense if we consider his ancestors of Zadoks, Patriarchs, and his wife, Anna, who was descended directly from a line of High Priests / Maccabees. Also curious is the fact that while Catholics assume James the Just as the First Bishop of Jerusalem, they nevertheless made Peter the first Pope of the Church... even when the latter had to escape Jerusalem, “entrusting James for the care of the local faithful.” [It’s that kind of contradictory evidence which makes church doctrine suspicious.] Joseph of Arimethea, on the other hand, was described as the man who accompanied Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Salome, and several other members of the Desposyni and their supporters. first into southern France... and then into England. Inasmuch as the early Church was intent upon wiping out anyone of Jesus’ family that might lay claim to... anything the Church had every intention of claiming... a possible subterfuge was that the title of Joseph of Arimethea was intended as an alias. Thus once in Celtic realms, the lineage of the Desposyni would have a bit more space and time to grow (while trying to avoid death and dismemberment [pardon the pun]). There are numerous documents, for example, that mention Joseph of Arimethea being “imprisoned by the Jewish elders after the Crucifixion.” “Other manuscripts add that Joseph subsequently escaped and was pardoned.” The alternative, questionable, version of Joseph of Arimethea is that he was an uncle of Mary (Jesus’ mother). Inasmuch as Mary was born about 26 BCE... and subsequently, J of A died on 27 July CE 82... he would likely have been 125 years old at the time of his death. Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene died at Glastonbury about CE 63 (19 years before Joseph of Arimethea). Laurence Gardner goes into detail concerning the connections forged by Joseph of Arimethea with the local gentry... notably King Arvirargus of Siluria, brother of Caractacus, the Pendragon.
It was a later Pendragon in fact who provided J of A with landholdings in Glastonbury. This of course led to the royal intermarriages with the Britons... to be discussed below in due time... or as previously noted in the Claudian and Kings of Britain lineages. Meanwhile, mention should be made of where the J of A assumption does to our genealogy. For example... James the Just (aka Joseph of Arimethea) married:
4. Anna [98] (Number of generations rectification) [92-97] Salome (Helena) (=Lazarus) [91] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] or 4. Anna [98] (Number of generations rectification) [92-97] Simon Magus (Lazarus) (=Salome) [91] Meneham the Essence [90] Judas of Gamia [89] Hezekiah (grandfather of Anna, and great grandfather of Mary) [88] John Hyrcanus I (Prince Priest) [87] Simon Maccabaeus [86] Mattathias of Modin [85] missing generations (but ostensibly along the High Priest lineage) [62-84] KING DAVID [1-61] Little is known about Anna. Fortunately, the name means “gracious”; so hopefully she will not be angered by a positive dearth of information being provided here. There are additional individuals in Generations No. 100 - 103, but these are included in the Claudian and King of Britain lines of descent... see the preceding web page.
Generation No. 101 1. Josephes (Joseph) [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki; or Joseph) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Josephes is Mary’s second son, who was born in Provence (France). The specific reference to this in the New Testament is: “The word of God grew and multiplied” (Acts 12:24). “This son was the all-important ‘Grail Child’, and he was called Joseph.” (aka Josephes)
Eventually, Josephes became a Bishop of the Jesus movement and moved to England to preach. There he attended a Druidic college. Druidic priests were not part of the Celtic Church but were an established, cohesive element in the structure of Celtic society in Gaul, Britain and Ireland. [The Sicilian, Diodorus, writing in the 1st century AD, described the Druids as great ‘philosophers and theologians, who are treated with special honor.” Druids were considered to be the most just of men, men of science, and also men of God... enjoying direct intercourse with the deities and able to speak in their name. Accordingly, this might suggest a commonality of spiritual practices between the Druids and Desposyni.] Josephes is typically assumed to be the son of Joseph of Arimethea... but this attempt to deny the existence of siblings of Jesus is based purely on church doctrine... a doctrine in which any descendants of Jesus (Desposyni) -- and thus having a greater claim to being king of all Christians -- would directly conflict with the Roman Catholic Church’s insistence in having all power under its control. The Roman Church did, in fact, mount an aggressive campaign designed to wipe out the descendants of Jesus lest they make a claim against the church for power. It should be noted also that Josephes being born in Provence dates his birth to following year of CE 44 (when J of A, Mary Magdalene, and the whole busload of Desposyni relatives had arrived in southern France for a much deserved vacation). It might also have qualified Josephes for French citizenship -- a fringe benefit even back then. It should also be noted that this places Josephes in the same generation as J of A’s grandchild. (Thus, according to such a church doctrine, would require a generation or so to be collapsed... like a wave function, or a fourth spatial dimensions, as in Super String Theory.) Thus, while the generation of Anna Enygeus is called the 99th, her lineage through three additional generations will nevertheless meet Josephes’s grandson in Aminadab’s Generation No. 103.
2. Anna Enygeus [99] James the Just (=Anna) [98] (Number of generations rectification) [92-97] Mary (=Joseph) [91] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81]
Anna Enygeus of Arimethea is reputed to be England's King George I’s 36-great Grandmother... among other things. She was a critical link in the descent from James the Just, along with all of the other patriarchal baggage from granddaddy Joseph ab Heli. Generation No. 102 Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Josue inherited the Grail Heritage, the legacy of Davidic kingship. Josue was also the key link in the line of descent, connecting Jesus with the Fisher Kings (Priest-Kings).
The Fisher Kings include the succeeding eight generations from Aminadab through Faramund, extending from the great grandson of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Aminadab, to Faramund and the latter's marriage to Princess Argotta of the Sicambrian Franks.
Generation No. 103 Aminadab [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Aminadab is important for many reason, but in terms of the family tree, a highly significant event is that he marries Eurgen, the latter whom has direct ancestors including: Lleiffer Mawr (Lucius), James the Just, the Kings of Britain, Claudius, Romulus, and Dardanus. The marriage also provides the link whereby the great grandson of Mary Magdalene and Jesus cements the fraternal lines of Jesus with his brother James the Just. This is historically a very significant royal marriage, one which eventually will includes such descendants such as Meroveus, Nascien and the eventual Merovingian Kings, and that will allow them to boast of being dually Desposynic. (I.e., it’s not just the right bloodline, but the number and purity of the bloodlines... emphasis on the plural.) The importance of this dual Desposyni heritage would in fact become blatantly obvious during the time of Emperor Constantine the Great (c. CE 306-337).
BTW, Aminadab (Amenhotep) is also the name of the son of Kiya-tasherit... as well as the grandson of none other than Moses and Miriam. This earlier Aminadab married Thehara (of the Hezron line) and thereby became the direct ancestor of King David. One might assume that the name might carry a great deal of weight in royal, name-dropping and ancestor-naming circles. But Constantine probably did not use the name very often... except perhaps in a curse or attempt to demean the name.
Generation No. 104 Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] or Catheloys [101] Eurgen -- Lleiffer Mawr (King Lucius) -- King Coel I [100] Penardian (=King Marius of Siluria) [99] Anna Enygeus (=Bran the Blessed) [98] James the Just (Joseph of Arimethea) (=Anna) [97] (Number of generations rectification) [92-96] Mary (=Joseph) [91] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Catheloys (Catheloys Carcelois) was a Grail King, aka a Fisher King. He was born about 166 CE, married about 205 CE... the latter, curiously, at about age 39! An intriguing quickie as to his place in the grand scheme (family tree) is shown at http://fabpedigree.com/s076/f660277.htm. Note the place names of his ancestors, including: Galilee, Britain, Siluria, Trinovantes, et al.
Generation No. 105 Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81]
Generation No. 106 Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Little is known about Titurel -- even if obviously, less is known about his father, Manael. Still, Titurel can at least boast of his place in Richard Wagner’s great opera, Parsifal, where Titurel does a cameo, voice-over, telling his son (or grandson), Amfortas, to uncover the Grail. It seems as if Amfortas had managed to injury himself with his own holy spear (the one used on Jesus on the cross to verify his death)... and worse yet, Amfortas’ wound would not heal.
Laurence Gardner, in Bloodline of the Holy Grail, shows Boaz (Amfortas) as the son/successor of Titurel. However, in his later book, The Magdalene Legacy, another king, Frimutel, appears in the lineage from Titurel to Boaz (Amfortas). Siding on the part of being complete, we will assume Frimutel to be an intermediary... and entitled [pardon the pun] to the 107th slot. Thus:
Generation No. 107 Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81]
Generation No. 108 Boaz (Amfortas) [108] Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Traditionally, it is the time of Boaz (Amfortas) that the various Grail Quests are set. According to Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail (page 238):
The identity of the Grail, however, is a matter of serious controversy. Instead of being a mere cup... one that just happened to be in the right place at the right time in order to collect the blood of Jesus... the Grail is assumed by numerous sources (Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln...., authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, as well as Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, et al) to be the Sangrael, the actual bloodline of Jesus... and by extension, King David, and thus back to Cain, Enki, and Lilith. This is the same assumption as used by Dan Brown, in The Da Vinci Code, and if the reaction to this novel is any indicator, the change from a bloody cup to a royal bloodline is not one that will be easily assimilated. This is especially true for the Roman Catholic Church, whose Apostolic Succession would be shown to be a gargantuan sham and centuries-long con... at least as compared to an actual royal bloodline.
Generation No. 109 Frotmund [109] Boaz (Amfortas) [108] Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Frotmund lived c. CE 400. He had a kid named Faramund. That’s about it.
Generation No. 110 1. Faramund (Pharamond) [110] Frotmund [109] Boaz (Amfortas) [108] Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] ZOROBABEL [1-81] Faramund (Lord Pharamond of the West Franks) (CE 419-430), is an early king of the Franks first referred to in the anonymous 8th century Carolingian text Liber Historiae Francorum, wherein the anonymous author begins by writing of the Trojan origin for the Franks.
The story is told of the election of the first Frankish king. After the death of Sunno, his brother Marcomer, leader of the Ampsivarii and Chatti, proposed to the Franks that they should have one single king... a suggestion directly contrary to their tradition. The story goes that Pharamond was chosen as this first king (thus beginning the tradition of long-haired kings of the Franks). When he died, his son Clodion was raised up as the next king. The work says no more of him. Someone named Pharamond also appears as the king of France in the Prose Tristan and later Arthurian works. A god called Pharamond also appears in Neil Gaiman's Sandman as a provider of transportation for the gods and higher beings. It appears he also has a large amount of control over human transportation as well. He calls himself the last member of his pantheon. Finally, Pharamond is mentioned in William Shakespeare's Henry V, Act I, Scene 2, as the originator of the Salic law banning women from succession to the throne of France. [I mention the scene inasmuch as no one wants to wade through a Shakespearean play looking for a very brief cameo appearance. You're welcome.]
2. Argotta [110] Genobaud, Lord of the Franks [109] Dagobert [108] Clodius [107] Theodomir [106] Richemir [105] Dagobert (c. 317 CE) [104] Sicambrian Franks [1-103] ... Argotta, Princess of the Franks, was born c. 375 in France; the daughter of Lord Genebald of The East Franks and (Genobaud). Historically, she was a princess of the Sicambrian Franks, who married well. Her lineage added a whole new strain of royal blood to the Fisher King, dually Desposyni blood line. Little is known about her personally... e.g., her tastes in clothes, preferences in observing jousts, battles, and/or tortures, and the extent of her searching for her inner child. She did, however, have several outer childs. These included, according to Laurence Gardner [Bloodline of the Holy Grail] Clodion, Lord of Tournai, Fredemundus, Sire of the Franks, and Frotmund, the proverbial younger brother who appears to have no clever title following the comma behind his name. Meanwhile, Ancestry.com suggests that Clodion’s younger and only brother was Duke Adelbertus of Moselle. Fortunately, Argotta’s heritage is reasonably well known, i.e., the Sicambrian Franks. According to Laurence Gardner [The Magdalene Legacy (page 215) and Bloodline of the Holy Grail (page 164)]:
The Sicambrian Franks begin with Antenor (d. 443 BCE), King of the Cimmerians of Scythia on the Black Sea and a descendant of the Trojan Royal House (Troy). The generations of his descendants -- the generations from Antenor [1] being numbered in brackets -- then interacted in definitive ways and reconnected to the other lines of descent. For example, his son, Marcomer [2] (d. 412 BCE) moved the Cimmerians from the Black Sea to West-Friezland, Gelders and Holland, crossed the Rhine and conquered Northern Gaul. Priamus [4] (d. 358 BCE) introduced the New Covenant and the Saxon language. Diocles [6] (d. 300 BCE) aided Saxons against the Goths and Southern Gauls, as did his grandson, Clodomir [8] (d. 232 BCE). Marcomer [10] (d. 170 BCE) defeated Romans, Gauls and Goths, while his son, Clodius [11] (d. 159 BCE) withstood further invasions by Romans and Gauls. Merovachus [14] led an army of 22,000 against Roman centers in Italy, and overthrew Bohemia. Antharius [16] (d. 39 BCE) withstood invasions by Julius Caesar. His son, Francus [17] (d.11 BCE) changed the tribal name from Sicambri to Franks! Clodomir [20] (d. CE 63) drove Nero’s legions out of Metz and Trier. Marcomer [25] (d. CE 169) married Athildis of Camulod - elder sister of British King Lleiffer Mawr (King Lucius).
This is just one more example, where each of the royal folk who pop up in order to marry into the mainstream Jesus line, are themselves descended from various members of the mainstream ancestors... even if there is sometimes less documentation to prove anything conclusively. Suffice it to say that the royal folk have spent about five thousand years perfecting the begat and succession bit, and have in fact become quite adept at it. They often know with a degree of certainty whose child is whose... which so often becomes vitally important... for some reason. This now brings us up to the latest major recombining of royal lines, in this case the Kings of Troy with the Fisher Kings (who include a descent from Troy in their lineage as well... albeit via Rome, Claudius, et al). Specifically this involves Argotta, Princess of the Franks from the line of Dagobert, marrying the latest Fisher King, Faramund, who was to become Lord of the West Franks. As previously mentioned, it’s all too often a matter of marrying just the right woman, if you’re hoping to be treated like a king. Argotta, meanwhile has managed to create -- with the not insignificant assistance of her husband, Faramund -- three rather interesting lines of descent, which are included in Figure 3. The fourth line of descent, via Duke Adelbertus of Moselle, tends to go nowhere... other than his being born c. 405 in Westphalia, Germany, and subsequently dying in 491. It might not sound like all that much, but living for 86 years in the fifth century was a notable achievement... assuming of course that he’s real. Figure 3. Descendants of Franks and Britain Generation No. 111 1. Clodion, Lord of Tournai [111] Faramund (=Argotta) [110] Frotmund [109] Boaz [108] Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] Mary (=Joseph; or Enki) [99] (Number of generations rectification) [91-98] Hannah (=Joachim) [90] Estha (=Joiadah) [89] Eleazer the Zadok (=Hayat) [88] Eliud [87] Achim [86] Sadoc [85] Azor [84] Eliakim [83] Abard [82] Zorobabbel [81] Hadast (=Shealtiel/Pedaiah) [80] Neri [79] Melchi [78] Addi [77] Cosam [76] Elmodam [75] Er [74] Jose [73] Jorim [72] Matthat [71] (space to conform to senior line) [70] Levi [69] Semel [68] Juda [67] Joseph [66] Eliakim [65] Menan [64] Mattatha [63] Nathan [62] David (=Bathsheba) [61] Jesse (=Habliar) [60] Obed (=Abalit) [59] Boaz (=Ruth) [58] Missing Generations [55-57] Salma (=Rachab) [54] Nashon (=Simar) [53] Aminadab (=Thehara) [52] Kiya-tasherit (=Ram) [51] Akhenaten (Moses) (=Mery-kiya, Miriam) [50] Amenhotep III (=Tiye) [49] Tuthmosis IV (=Mutemwiya) [48] Amenhotep II (=Tiaa) [47] Tuthmosis III (=Meryetre-Hatshepsut) [46] Tuthmosis II (=Iset) [45] Tuthmosis I (=Mutnofret) [44] Amenhotep I (=Ahmose-Meritamon) [43] Ahmose I (=Ahmose-Nefertari) [42] Missing Generations [33 - 41] Amenemhet IV (=Sobeknefru, d. of Igrath) [32] Amenemhet III (=Aat) [31] Senusret III (=Mereret) [30] Senusret II (=Nofret) [29] Amenemhet II (=Keminebu) [28] Senusret I (=Nefru) [27] Tohwait (=Amenemhet I) [26] Nefert (=Senusret of Elephantine) [25] Missing Generations [15-24] Ham (=Neelata-mek) [14] Tubal Cain (=Nin-banda) [13] Lamech (=Zillah) [12] Methusael (=Edna?) [11] Mehujael (=?) [10] Irad (=Baraka?) [9] Enoch (=Edna?) [8] Cain (=Luluwa) [7] Enki and Eve [6] Enki and Nin-khursag [5] Anu and Antu (OR Ki) [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] or 1. Clodion [111] Argotta (=Faramund) [110] Genobaud, Lord of the Franks [109] Dagobert [108] Clodius [107] Theodomir [106] Richemir [105] Dagobert (c. 317 CE) [104] Sicambrian Franks [1-103] ... or... somewhat more to the point: 1. Clodion [111] Faramund (=Argotta) [110] Frotmund [109] Boaz [108] Frimutel [107] Titurel [106] Manael [105] Catheloys [104] Aminadab (=Eurgen) [103] Josue [102] Josephes [101] Jesus and Mary Magdalene [100] (Number of generations rectification) [92-99] Enki (=Mary) [5] Anu and Antu (OR Ki) [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1]
King Clodion le Chevelu, of Tournai (King Clodion le Chevelu, of Tournai) was born c. 397 in Westphalia, Germany. He died in 446. His parents were: Lord Pharamond of the West Franks and Queen Argotta of France.
Clodion was a king of the Salian Franks prior to the Merovingian dynasty. He was known as a Long-Haired King and lived at a place on the Thuringian border called Dispargum. From there he invaded the Roman Empire in 428 and settled in Northern Gaul, where already other groups of Salians were settled. Although he was attacked by Romans he was able to maintain his position and 3 years later in 431 he extended his kingdom down south to the Somme River. In 448, 20 years after his reign began, Clodion was defeated at an unidentified place called Vicus Helena by Flavius Aëtius, the commander of the Roman Army in Gaul. Like all Merovingian kings Clodion had long hair as a ritual custom. His successor was Meroveus (Merovech), after whom the dynasty was thereafter named 'Merovingian'. Meroveus and his dynasty is sufficiently important in that a whole new chapter begins with him. In the interim, there are several interesting and parallel lines of his two brothers (according to Gardner).
2. Frotmund [111] Same as Clodion Frotmund, was another son of Faramund and Argotta. He is known primarily for his House del Acqs descendents, including, specifically, Viviane I, dynastic Queen of Avalon del Acqs. Viviane I married Taliesin, a descendant of Frotmund’s brother, Fredemundus (see below).
3. Fredemundus [111] Same as Clodion Fredemundus and Frotmund were the other two sons of Faramund and Argotta... Meroveus’ younger brothers. They can, however, pretty much account for the Camelot crowd: For example, Fredemundus can boast of a notable roster of descendants, that included:
Septimania and the Comtes de Toulouse constitute a particularly interesting line to follow, one which will lead eventually to Guilhelm de Toulouse de Gellone, the King of Septimania (c. 770). Guilhelm turns out to be a major player in the royal dynasties, but whose contribution we will mention a bit later. For the moment, we might only mention here that as a contemporary of Charlemagne the Great, Guilhelm will be establishing a Judaic Academy that will after another roughly eight centuries effectively bequeath their legacy to The Cathars of Languedoc. The Cathars were, of course, the unfortunate recipients of one of the most notorious examples of genocide by the Roman Catholic Church, a savage campaign known also as the “Albigensian Crusade’. (The saga of this particular affront to humanity will be continued in due course.)
Ygerna’s and Mac’s offspring was none other than King Arthur, the Legendary (but real) King who married Gwenyfawr of Brittany, and subsequently produced with his maternal half-sister, Morgaine d’Avalon, the notorious Mordred. [On the other hand, don’t assume everything you might have heard about Arthur and Mordred. It’s a bit more complicated. For example, Mordred. was apparently an archpriest (Filius Regis Scoti), who married a Pictish princess. Also, there is the extra added attraction... sort of a Blue Light Special... in that King Arthur can boast of a lineage from Joseph of Arimethea (and thus Mary and Joseph)... but not from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Vivianne’s daughter Vivianne II had a son named Lancelot del Acqs... THE Lancelot... who married Elaine from Lombard and had a son named Galahad. It was THIS Lancelot who reportedly dallied a bit with King Arthur’s wife, Gwenfawr. [The earlier Lancelot (father of Ban le Benoic) was himself descended from Jonaans, his father Galains, and his father Nascien II (in that order). They were thus princes of Septimania, and in the line of Fredemundus.] Did we mention that Ygerna’s daughter, Morgaine, had first been married to Urien of Goure? Urien was descended from Old King Cole and his wife Ystrafael, the daughter of Ceretic Guletic of Dunbarton (the latter whose lineage had also led to Aedan mac Gabran). Urien’s son was Ywain de Leon d’Acqs... from whose lineage would thereafter descend the Comtes de Leon. Presumably, Ponce de Leon was one of Ywain’s descendants. Also... Old King Cole had a daughter named Gwawl, who married Cunedda (from Beli) and led to the Welsh Kings. The latter was in fact something of an accomplishment... especially for anyone named “Gwawl”.
And now... drum roll please... it’s time to follow Clodion’s lineage, beginning with Meroveus, King of the Franks (c. 450 CE). From Rome to Britain... With Love Forward to: |
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