DardanusNew - 20 March 2010
Generations 64 - 85 Dardanus
Generation No. 64*
1. Jupiter - Electra Jupiter is assumed herein to be Enki -- see also Enki and Nin-khursag -- who is apparently putting in something that is a bit more than yet another cameo appearance... i.e., his “repeated incantations” are truly a thing of wonder and praise, and continue to generate interest... sons... daughters... heroes... and mighty men of old. Enki/Jupiter then will be instituting in the subsequent generation the latest son of “god” (the latter being aka the “Lord of Earth”). The new kid/son-of-god on the block is named Dardanus. Enki’s most recent paramour, and co-conspirator is the Dardanian production, is Electra (meaning "amber," "shining," and/or "bright"). She is a Pleiad and therefore one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Electra was also the wife of Corythus, affectionately known as Corythus the Cuckolded. His wife was reportedly raped/seduced/taken by Enki, and thereafter gave birth to Dardanus, the latter who became the founder of Troy, ancestor of Priam and his house. According to one legend, Electra was the lost Pleiad, disappearing in grief after the destruction of Troy. She was called Atlantis by Ovid, and thus helped to personify the family of the Pleiades. (There is also the Pleiades star cluster being chased across the sky by the constellation of Orion... but that's another myth.)
2. Teucer [64]... unknown*
King Teucer (also Teucrus) was said to have been the son of the river Scamander and of the nymph Idaea... suggesting he was something of a “water sign”. Prior to the arrival of Dardanus, the land that would one day come to be called the Troad, was known as Teucria and its inhabitants were referred to as Teucrians -- obviously named after King Teucer. (It's good to be king.) Batea, King Teucer's daughter, was given in marriage to Dardanus -- they were still giving away daughters in those days... as well as other door prizes for Royals on the run. After Teucer's death the land came to be known as Dardania. Despite all of the name changes, however... in later times, the people of Troy often referred to themselves as "Teucrians"... which would undoubtedly warmed old Teucer's heart.
Generation No. 65 1. Dardanus [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1]
Dardanus ("burned up", from the verb dardapto: to wear, to slay, to burn up) was a son of Enki (aka Zeus) in a liaison with Electra, daughter of Atlas.
According to Wikipedia,
Dardanus originally hailed from Arcadia (according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus), where he and his elder brother Iasus (Iasion) reigned as kings in a dynasty whose immediate predecessor was Atlas. Dardanus married Chryse, daughter of Pallas, by whom he fathered two sons: Idaeus and Dymas. Just when things were relatively cool, there was a great flood -- although, presumably, NOT the Great Flood. This is because Dardanus is circa 1400 - 1500 BCE, and thus a contemporary with Moses and the Exodus and long, long after THE Great Flood that preceded Adam's reign... or at the very least, the time of Noah, aka Ziasudra. The survivors of the flood, previously living on mountains that had magically become islands, split into two groups. One group hung in there (rebuilding from scratch) and made Deimas (Dymas) their king while the others sailed away, eventually settling on the island of Samothrace. There Iasus (Iasion) was reportedly slain by Zeus [in this case, Enlil?] for lying with Demeter. Dardanus and his people found the new digs poor (and prone to interventions by jealous gods). Accordingly, most of them set sail for Asia. Which is one testimony. Another account is by Virgil in his Aeneid. Virgil has Aeneas [71st generation... See below] in a dream learn from his ancestral Penates that "Dardanus and Father Iasius" and the Penates themselves originally came from Hesperia which was afterward renamed "Italy." This tradition holds that Dardanus was a Tyrrhenian prince, and that his mother Electra was married to Corythus, king of Tarquinia. [This account is probably false, not to mention politically motivated by Roman revisionists.] Other accounts make no mention of Arcadia or Hesperia, though they sometimes mention a flood and speak of Dardanus sailing on a hide-raft (as part of the flood story?) from Samothrace to the Troad near Abydos. All accounts agree that Dardanus came to the Troad from Samothrace and was there welcomed by King Teucer and that Dardanus married Batea the daughter of Teucer. (Dionysius mentions that Dardanus' first wife Chryse, by the way, had died in the flood.) Dardanus received land on Mount Ida from his father-in-law. There Dardanus founded the city of Dardania.
One last account identifies Dardanus with a biblical Darda who is said to be a son of Zerah. This claim is debatable, on the one hand, due to Zerah's name being similar to that of Zeus's and his wife, Hera. Also, according to the Old Testament, Zerah was Pharez's twin brother, making both of them sons of Judah... i.e., he who bore Juda, founder of the tribe that bears the same name. However, Pharez is generation no. 29, or about 400 years prior to Dardanus. This claim is accordingly probably nonsensical... but it makes pretty good press... and for example, the background for operas such as ones by Jean-Philippe Rameau (1739), Carl Stamitz (1770) and Antonio Sacchini (1784)
2. Batea [65] Teucer [64]...unknown Batea (Bateia. Bataea, Iphise) was said to be the daughter or (less commonly) the aunt of King Teucer, ruler of a tribe known as the Teucrians (Teucri). The Teucrians inhabited the area of northwest Asia Minor later called the Troad (Troas), the latter another name for the Trojans. Batea married King Dardanus, son of Zeus and Electra, and whom Teucer named as his heir. Batea gave her name to a hill in the Troad, one mentioned in the Iliad. By Dardanus, Batea was the mother of Ilus, Erichthonius, Zacynthus, and Idaea. Greek mythology also recounts Arisbe, a daughter of Teucer, as being the wife of Dardanus. Accordingly, Arisbe and Batea are usually assumed to be the same person.
Generation No. 66 1. Erichthonius [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] King Erichthonius of Dardania was the son of Dardanus or Darda, King of Dardania, and Batea, (although some legends say his mother was Olizone, descendant of Phineus).
All that is known of Erichthonius comes from Homer, who says (in Samuel Butler's translation of the Iliad):
2. Ilus I [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Ilus I was the first son and logical heir of Dardanus. However, Ilus I died childless, such that his brother Erichthonius gained the kingship.
Generation No. 67 Tros [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius (or by some accounts, Ilus I), from whom he inherited the throne. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus II.
When Zeus abducted Ganymede, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic to the plight of a father, Zeus/Enki sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus II (son of Tros). We will ignore such variants as being not much more than deviants... or just inconveniants.
1. Ilus II (Ilos) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Ilus II is the founder of the city called Ilion (latinized as Ilium) to which he gave his name... or else it was taken without his knowledge or consent. Times were chaotic in those days. When Ilion became the chief city of the Trojan people, it also masqueraded under the name of Troy... i.e., for dear old Dad.
Ilus II won the wrestling prize at games held by the King of Phrygia and received fifty youths and maidens as his reward. This makes it shockingly clear that the conduct of the modern Olympic Games has evolved over the years... or de-evolved, depending upon your viewpoint. These days, about all the competitors... even winners... receive now are plentiful supplies of condoms (no kidding). On the other hand, there was no requirement to commit suicide by taking others with one... just to receive one's just due of virgins and youths. That’s probably a step in the right direction. The King of Phrygia, meanwhile, and on the advice of an oracle, gave Ilus II a cow (with an option that the cow could be traded for a sack of beans), and asked Ilus to found a city where ever it should lie down. Ilus did so. Ilus then prayed to Zeus for a sign and at once saw the Palladium fallen from heaven and lying before his tent. Curiously, he was immediately blinded for the impiety of looking on the image -- the gods really do weird things. He regained his sight after making offerings to Athena. Ilus preferred his new city of Ilium to his hometown of Dardania (probably on the basis of its fifty youths and maidens being provided for his various pleasures and amusements). On his father's death he remained there -- showing that you can't keep the kids down on the farm... especially when they're off following a cow looking for a soft place to flop. In the process, Ilus bestowed the rule of Dardania on his brother Assaracus, thereby splitting the Trojans into two kingdoms.
2. Assaracus [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Assaracus was the second son of King Tros of Dardania. He inherited the throne when his elder brother Ilus preferred to reign instead over his newly founded city of Ilium (which also became known as Troy).
3. Ganymede [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Ganymede is one more in a long line of divine heroes hailing from Troy. As a Trojan prince, son of Tros and Callirrhoe, he was also the younger brother of Ilus and Assaracus. As the third and youngest child, he was singularly blessed... as are all third childs. In his case, Ganymede was the most attractive among mortals... while for others, it's astounding brilliance, wit, and personality. Beauty is, of course, transitory, but Ganymede's was such that he was quickly noticed (discovered), and just as quickly abducted by Zeus, who showed up in the form of an eagle... for whatever weird reason that Zeus might have had... and thereafter Ganymede was to serve as cupbearer to the gods... and... incidentally... as Zeus's beloved. All the gods were filled with joy to see the youth -- a happy Zeus is a happy Olympus. Except, of course, for Zeus' primary consort, Hera. She despised Ganymede. Meanwhile, back at the (horse) ranch, Tros was distraught over losing his third son. As compensation Zeus had Hermes deliver a gift of two immortal horses, so swift they could run over water. The genesis for this Ganymede story has been interpretations from one of numerous Akkadian seals that depict the hero-king Etana riding heavenwards on an eagle. Muses have always used clever and distinctive means to inspire or motivate an author.
In a possible alternative... and the romantically preferred... version, the Titan Eos, dawn-goddess and connoisseur of male beauty, kidnapped Ganymede... for her own nefarious purposes. This is the same Eos, by the way, who had kidnapped Tithonus, whose immortality had been granted, but where said immortality had not included eternal youth. Tithonus indeed lived forever but grew more and more ancient, eventually turning into a cricket, a classic example of the myth-element of the Boon with a Catch... not to mention the proverbial fine print. Bummer! As a Trojan, Ganymede is identified as part of the earliest, pre-Hellenic level of Aegean history. Plato's Laws states the opinion that the Ganymede myth had been invented by the Cretans [the latter who were Goddess lovers even in the time of Theseus]. At the same time (literally), Minoan Crete [**] was a power center of pre-Greek culture. Accordingly, Plato may have been manufacturing a reason for his bias and/or distain for goddess and/or Minoan related matters... when he had his character indignantly declare himself unalterably opposed to the "pleasure [...] against nature" theme of the Ganymede myth being imported into Greece. Homer, on the other hand, doesn't dwell on the erotic aspect of Ganymede's abduction, but it is certainly in an erotic context that the goddess refers to Ganymede's blond Trojan beauty in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, mentioning Zeus's love for Trojan Ganymede as part of her enticement of Trojan Anchises. [See below, as Aphrodite’s lover = Aeneas! (Generation No. 71)]
There is a moon of Jupiter named after Ganymede, one of four discovered by Galileo Galilei. For the etymology of his name, Robert Graves, in his book, The Greek Myths, offers the opinion that the name implies a meaning of: "rejoicing in virility."
Generation No. 69 1. Laomedon [69] Ilus II (=Eurydice (daughter of Adrastus), or Leucippe) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Laomedon was a Trojan king, son of Ilus II, and [either nephew, father, distant cousin, paramour, mentor, and/or] brother of Ganymede.
Laomedon owned several horses with divine parentage, with whom Anchises [critical generation No. 70] secretly bred his own mares. Laomedon also came in handy when Poseidon and Apollo, having offended Zeus, were sent to serve the King. Laomedon had them build huge walls around the city and as an added inducement for good behavior, promised to reward them appropriately. It was a promise he then refused to keep. In vengeance, before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. Seems fair.
In hopes of appeasing Poseidon, Laomedon planned on sacrificing his daughter Hesione to the god... thus continuing the tradition of using one’s children as cannon fodder in order to appease some deity, god, or anyone pretending same. Fortunately, Heracles (along with Oicles and Telamon) rescued Hesione at the last minute and killed a threatening monster. The obviously untrustworthy Laomedon had then promised Heracles, et al, magic horses as a reward for their deeds, but... surprise, surprise... he broke his word. Consequently, Heracles and his allies took vengeance by putting Troy to siege, killing Laomedon and all his sons save Podarces. The latter saved his own life by giving Heracles a golden veil that Hesione had made. Podarces was thereafter called Priam... from priamai, 'to buy'). Telamon then took Hesione as a war prize and married her; they had a son, Teucer. [The latter sounds a bit like the father-in-law of Dardanus... but the timing is all wrong.] It’s also worth noting that with Troy being under all of these sieges over the years... this just might explain the many levels of the archaeological digs at Troy... number of sieges equals number of levels?
2. Themiste [69] Ilus II (=Eurydice) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Themiste was the daughter of Ilus II and Eurydice, sister of Laomedon and mother of Anchises by her husband Capys, son of Assaracus. Themis thereby provides a critical link in the generational follies, making the important connection to her grandson, Aeneas.
3. Capys [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Capys was a name attributed to three individuals:
For our nefarious MOAFT purposes, we will choose the first option... such as it is.
Generation No. 70 1. Priam (Podarces) [70] Laomedon (=Strymo) [69] Ilus (=Eurydice) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Priam first came to the attention of the historians when he saved himself from the wrath of Heracles by giving him a golden veil embroidered by his youngest sister, Hesione. After this, Podarces changed his name to Priam, a name whose etymology was supposedly based on priatos ("ransomed"). Curiously, his PR department finally came up to speed, and more modern... mostly biased... scholarship derives Priam's nomenclature from Luwian compound Priimuua... meaning "exceptionally courageous". The fact the Luwian language was primarily spoken in eastern Turkey... and Troy is located in extreme western Turkey... did not pose an insurmountable problem for such scholarship. Again... a bit of poetic license.
It has been suggested by Hittite sources, specifically the Manapa-Tarhunta letter that there is historical basis for the archetype of King Priam. The letter describes one Piyama-Radu as a troublesome rebel who overthrew a Hittite client king and thereafter established his own rule over the city of Troy (mentioned as Wilusa in Hittite). There is also mention of an Alaksandu, suggested to be Paris Alexander (King Priam's son from the Iliad), a later ruler of the city of Wilusa who established peace between Wilusa and Hatti. Otherwise... we're pretty well stuck with Homer's version.
2. Anchises [70] Capys and Themiste [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Anchises was a son of Capys and Themiste (the latter the daughter of Ilus II, son of Tros). Anchises was a prince from Dardania, a territory neighboring Troy. His major claim to fame in Greek mythology is that he was a mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (and in Roman mythology, the lover of Venus). Accordingly, one would have to conclude that being Aphrodite's lover was an astoundingly good claim to fame. Furthermore, Aphrodite can be thought of as one aspect of Inanna... the latter being the grand-daughter of Enki and Nin-khursag. Thus, the offspring of Anchises and Inanna, Aeneas, has a very impressive genealogical pedigree. One version of this romantic tale is that Aphrodite pretended to be a Phrygian princess and seduced Anchises for nearly two weeks of lovemaking... thereby guaranteeing his status as hero! Anchises learned that his lover was a goddess only nine months later, when... surprise, surprise!... she revealed herself and presented him with the infant Aeneas. Anchises wisely took full credit for his claim to fame... as well as the kid. Otherwise a goddess scorned makes the fury of hell look like a spa or upscale resort.
Anchises bred... in addition to a goddess and wife... his mares with the divine stallions owned by King Laomedon. However, he made the mistake of bragging about his liaison (breeding) with Aphrodite, and as a result Zeus, the king of the gods, hit him with a thunderbolt which left him lame. [Kiss and tell is often a bad idea... and with goddesses, it’s a really, really, very bad idea. Hubris in ancient Greece was always a much-derided character flaw.] After the defeat of Troy in the Trojan War, the elderly Anchises was carried from the burning city by his son Aeneas, accompanied by Aeneas' wife Creusa, who died in the escape attempt, and small son Ascanius. Anchises himself died and was buried in Sicily many years later. Aeneas later visited Hades and saw his father again in the Elysian Fields... probably still brooding about his tiff with Aphrodite... who being a very long lived goddess... also had a very long memory. Speaking of memorable females, we should also include for reference purposes (and because one of our principal ancestors may have had a productive sexual liaison with her):
3. Latinus [70] Odysseus (=Circe) (or Pandora)... Latinus (Lavinius) was a king of the Latins. He was the son of Odysseus and Circe. Latinus ruled the Tyrsenoi, that is to say, probably the Etruscans. He apparently did so with his brothers Ardeas and Telegonus. Latinus is also referred to, by much later authors, as the son of Pandora [see above], and the brother of Graecus... although according to Hesiod, Graecus had three brothers, Hellen, Magnitas and Macedon with the former being the father of Doros, Xouthos and Aeolos. Their mother Pandora was the daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha. It might appear that Pandora's parents were... well... Great Flood survivors. It might also suggest that there was a lot of flood surviving going about... at least for the ones who later made history. Equally clear is the fact that these ancient times were not particularly conducive to the financial health of companies specializing in offering flood insurance.
Latinus hosted Aeneas's army of exiled Trojans and offered them the option of reorganizing their life in Latium. His daughter Lavinia had been promised to Turnus, king of the Rutuli, but Faunus and the gods insisted that he give her instead to Aeneas. Turnus consequently declared war on Aeneas and was killed two weeks into the conflict. Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, later founded the Alba Longa and was the first in a long series of kings leading to Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. It is probably worth noting that Troy was given extraordinary status by the ancient world. Anyone who was looking to be included in Who's Who of the Ancient Mediterranean wanted to boast of having ancestors from Troy... even if such boasting was subtle, and avoided the plague of committing hubris. Troy was also important in that the Trojan War was not merely a conflict between nation states, but was a battle royal between gods and goddesses. Homer in fact, put the deities on the front lines in the Iliad... while the 2004 movie, Troy, was roundly criticized for a total lack of god and goddess involvement. This might in fact explain the bad luck of the movie makers in losing a huge set to weather... and the fact that the movie became one of the most expensive in history. The gods and goddesses do have long memories. Accordingly, so as not to make the same mistake, we will digress momentarily with a few notes on:
The Trojan War
1. Creusa [71] Priam [70] Laomedon [69] Ilus II (=Eurydice) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] The name, Creusa, means simply "princess". She married Aeneas, but apparently did not manage to leave Troy alive. Her son, Ascanius, however, did manage to depart with Aeneas.
2. Aeneas [71] Anchises (=Inanna/Aphrodite/Venus) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] or 2. Aeneas [71] Inanna (=Anchises) [7] Ningal (=Nanna) [6] Enki and Nin-khursag* [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1]
Aeneas was a Trojan hero, the son of prince Anchises and the goddess Venus/Aphrodite/Inanna -- the latter implying that Aeneas was the great-grandson of Enki and Nin-khursag (as well as Enlil and Ninlil). His father was also the second cousin of King Priam of Troy. The journey of Aeneas from Troy, (led by Venus, his mother) which led to the founding of the City of Rome, is recounted in Virgil's Aeneid. Aeneas is considered an important figure in Greek and Roman history. He is a character in Homer's Iliad, Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica, and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. Aeneas was known for his skills in combat during the battle of Troy.
Aeneas was the leader of Troy's Dardanian allies (Trojan descendants of Dardanus). He was also a principal lieutenant of Hector, son of the Trojan king Priam. Aeneas's mother Aphrodite frequently came to his aid on the battlefield. (Thanks, Mom!) He was also a favorite of Apollo, and, as it turned out, Poseidon. Poseidon, who normally sided with the Greeks -- he was still carrying that grudge -- came to Aeneas's rescue when our boy fell under the assault of Achilles. His reasoning, apparently, was that Aeneas, despite his being from a junior branch of the royal family, was nevertheless destined to become king of the Trojan people... thus suggesting a motive of a great-grandfather for Aeneas. In another case, Aphrodite and Apollo rescued Aeneas from combat with Diomedes of Argos, who had nearly killed him. The goddess and god carried him away instead to heal at Pergamon.
Meanwhile, thanks to Mom and uncle Apollo, Aeneas is one of the few Trojans not killed in battle or , for that matter, enslaved when Troy fell. In fact, while the Greeks were sacking Troy, Aeneas, after being commanded by the gods to flee, gathered a group, collectively known as the Aeneads, who then traveled to Italy (with the Rollaids -- it was a sea journey), and became progenitors of the Romans. The Aeneads included Aeneas's trumpeter Misenus, his father Anchises, his friends Achates, Sergestus and Acmon, the healer Lapyx, the steady helmsman Palinurus, and his son Ascanius. Aeneas carried with him the Lares and Penates, the statues of the household gods of Troy, and transplanted them to Italy. Thereafter, Aeneas carried a card with him which said, "Have gods; will travel."
After a brief, but fierce storm sent up against the group at Hera’s/Juno's request, and after several failed attempts to found cities -- along with roughly six years of wandering -- Aeneas and his fleet finally made landfall at Carthage. Aeneas then gallantly had a year long affair with the Carthaginian queen Dido (also known as Elissa, chairwoman of the Carthaginian Welcoming Committee). Dido promptly proposed that the Trojans settle in her land and that she and Aeneas reign jointly over their peoples. This rather clever arrangement was in fact designed to benefit Juno (aka Hera), who had been told that her favorite city would eventually be defeated by the Trojans' descendants. (The things gods and goddesses do to get around and otherwise circumvent prophecies!) But of course, the Fates intervened (indirectly) and the messenger god Mercury was sent by Jupiter and Venus to remind Aeneas of his journey and his purpose, thus compelling him to leave secretly and continue on his way. When the jilted Dido learned of this, she ordered her sister Anna to construct a pyre to get rid of whatever possessions Aeneas had left behind by him in his haste to leave. [The old "lost in the fire" excuse.] Standing on it, Dido uttered a curse that would forever pit Carthage against Rome. She then committed suicide by stabbing herself with the same sword she gave Aeneas when they first met and then falling on the pyre. Anna, in typical sibling compatibility (or rivalry), reproached the mortally wounded Dido! (Oh, get over it, honey; the guy's not worth it! ...or words to that effect.] Meanwhile, Juno, looking down on the tragedy and moved by Dido's plight, sends Iris to make Dido's passage to Hades quicker and less painful. Later when Aeneas traveled to Hades, he called to her ghost but she neither spoke nor acknowledged him. [A woman scorned... you know the bit.] The Aenead love-em-and-leave-um troop, meanwhile, had made a pit stop on the island of Sicily during the course of their journey, before going to Carthage. Then following the romantic sojourn in Carthage, the Trojans returned to Sicily where they were welcomed by Acestes, king of the region and son of the river Crinisus by a Dardanian woman. A bit later, Latinus, king of the Latins, welcomed Aeneas's army of exiled Trojans and let them reorganize their life in Latium. After Aeneas death, his mother, Venus asked Jupiter to make her son immortal. Jupiter agreed and the river god Numicus cleansed Aeneas of all his mortal parts and Venus anointed him with Ambrosia and Nectar, making him a god. Aeneas was recognized as the god Jupiter Indiges.
3. Lavinia [71] Latinus [70] Odysseus (=Circe) (or Pandora)... Lavinia was the daughter of Latinus and Amata. She had been promised to Turnus, king of the Rutuli, but her father, Latinus, who was hosting Aeneas’ army of exiled Trojans (after their abrupt departure from Carthage), had received a prophecy that Lavinia would be betrothed to one from another land. Aeneas seemed to admirably fit the bill. Latinus heeded the prophecy.
The spurned Turnus consequently declared war on Aeneas... albeit at the urging of Juno... who was still fighting the last war (Trojan). Despite his being aligned with King Mezentius of the Etruscans and Queen Amata of the Latins, Aeneas' forces prevailed... big surprise! Better yet, Turnus was killed and his people were captured. But even while Aeneas was victorious, unfortunately (or fortunately) Latinus died in the war as well. Aeneas promptly founded the city of Lavinium, named after his wife. He later welcomed Dido's sister, Anna Perenna. The exact specifications of Aeneas' welcome of Anna are not known, but let us just point out that Anna committed suicide after learning of Lavinia's jealousy. (Clearly the Perenna sisters were serious drama queens... or else simply had a bit of a death wish.) Aeneas and Lavinia had one son, Silvius (I).
Generation No. 72 1. Ascanius [72] Aeneas (=Creusa; d. of Priam) [71] Anchises (=Inanna/Aphrodite/Venus) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Ascanius had escaped from Troy with his father, Aeneas. Ascanius later fought in the Italian Wars. He was also known as Iulus, Julius, or Ascanius Julius. By any name, he eventually founded the Alba Longa and was accordingly the first in a long series of kings. Romulus and Remus were both descendants of Ascanius and Aeneas through their mother Rhea Silvia, making Aeneas progenitor of the Roman people. The Julian family of Rome, most notably Julius Caesar and Augustus, traced their lineage back to Ascanius and Aeneas, and to the goddess Venus. (Can you blame them?) The legendary kings of Britain also traced their family tree through a grandson of Aeneas, Brutus. Virgil in the Aeneid: replaced the Greek name Ascanius with Iulus and thereby linked the Julian family of Rome to earlier histories. The emperor Augustus, who commissioned the work, was a great patron of the arts... not to mention self-promotion and ensuring the publication of his glorious family tree. And obviously, the Aeneid's credibility must be suspect, what with Augustus undoubtedly having censorship rights over any nasty skeletons in the family closet... not to mention the potential for wholesale and unbridled creative book-keeping in Who was Who. Furthermore, the end result was that as a member of the Julian family, Augustus could claim to have three major Olympian gods in his ancestry: (Venus; Jupiter; and Mars; aka Inanna, Enki, and Ares)... which is of course precisely why he encouraged his many poets to write at such lengths on such topics. This is Public Relations in its hay day. Interestingly enough, Ascanius, in the Aeneid, is reputed to be the first to coin the words, "annuit coeptis," the root phrase of what later became a motto of the United States of America.
2. Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna/Aphrodite/Venus) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Silvius I was the son of Aeneas and Lavinia. He succeeded Ascanius as King of Alba Longa. All the kings of Alba following Silvius bore the name as their cognomen. It was trendy.
Generation No. 73 1. Silvius (II) [73] Ascanius [72] Aeneas (=Creusa; d. of Priam) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Silvius II was the son of Ascanius, in the line from Priam of Troy to Brutus of Britain... which is a fairly long line when you think about it... roughly 1500 miles as the crow flies.
2. Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Aeneas Silvius was the third in the list of the kings of Alba Longa in Latium. The Silvii regarded him as the founder of their house. Dionysius of Halicarnassus ascribed to him a reign of 31 years. According to Livy and Dionysius the heir of Aeneas Silvius was named Latinus Silvius.
Generation No. 74 1. Brutus of Britain [74] Silvius (II) [73] Ascanius [72] Aeneas (=Creusa; d. of Priam) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Brutus (or Brute) of Troy was a descendant of the Trojan hero Aeneas (as well as King Priam), and was known in medieval Britain as the eponymous founder and first king of Britain. The story first appears in the Historia Britonum, a 9th century historical compilation attributed to Nennius, but is best known from the account given by the 12th century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae. The Historia tells how Aeneas settled in Italy after the Trojan War, and how his son Ascanius founded Alba Longa, one of the precursors of Rome. Ascanius married, and his wife became pregnant. A magician, asked to predict the child's future, said it would be a boy and that he would be the bravest and most beloved in Italy. Enraged... and just a little self-centered... Ascanius had the magician put to death. The mother subsequently died in childbirth. The boy was named Brutus. He later accidentally killed his father with an arrow and was banished from Italy... making the magician’s prediction somewhat less than definitive. After wandering among the islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea and through Gaul, Brutus eventually founded the city of Tours. Then, just for the heck of it, or perhaps to make a name for himself, Brutus headed for Britain. Despite any prior names floating about the island's population, Brutus named the place after himself, and quickly began to fill it with his descendants. His reign can be synchronized to the time when the High Priest Eli was judge in Israel, and the Ark of the Covenant was being carted off (literally) by the Philistines. A variant version of the Historia Britonum allows Brutus to trace his genealogy back to Ham, the son of Noah. Another chapter traces Brutus's genealogy differently, making him the great-grandson of the Roman king Numa Pompilius [despite the fact that Brutus lived roughly four hundred years prior to Numa Pompilius, circa 700 BCE]. Supposedly, Numa was himself a son of Ascanius, and could trace his descent from Noah's son Japheth. Not unexpectedly, these Christianizing traditions conflict with the classical Trojan genealogies... not to mention incorporating a 400 or so years error. The Christianized Brutus also supposedly had brothers named Francus, Alamanus and Romanus, all ancestors of significant European nations. The problem for the Christians in this scenario had always been how to deal with the legendary founder of British royalty... particularly when said founder was descended from goddesses and gods such as Inanna (aka Aphrodite) and Enki. They typically get around the problem by simply dropping 400 or so years and finding a relatively near-term Roman ancestor to do the begatting. Keeping all the intervening years intact, however, one can, from here, trace Brutus’ heritage via the Legendary Kings of Britain.
2. Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Latinus Silvius was the fourth king of Alba Longa. One might suspect the name says it all.
Generation No. 75 Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Alba was the fifth king of Alba Longa... not to be confused with Abba... of more recent vintage.
Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Atys was a descendant of Alba and the sixth king of Alba Longa.
Generation No. 77 Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Capys was the seventh king of Alba Longa -- just in case you’re keeping count. According to Roman sources, in the Etruscan language the word "capys" meant 'hawk' or 'falcon' (or possibly 'eagle' or 'vulture')... either that or Chicken Hawk. (Wait! the latter was probably "chany"... or maybe a variant.)
Generation No. 78 Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Capetus was the eighth king of Alba Longa.
Generation No. 79 Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Tibernius Silvius was the ninth king of Alba Longa. He was the successor (and probably son) of Capetus, the eighth king of Alba Longa. The only tradition specifically attached to Tibernius is that he was drowned while crossing the river then known as the Albula, but which was ever after known to the Latins as the Tiberis. [It’s a helluva way to get a river named after you!] This ancient river formed the boundary of Latium and Etruria, and the city of Rome was later founded on a group of seven hills overlooking its banks. After his death, Tibernius was revered as the god of the river. In the earliest days of Rome, the cult of Tibernius survived at the Volturnia, the archaic festival of Volturnus.
Generation No. 80 Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Agrippa was a king of Alba Longa. He was allegedly the namesake of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Augustus’ friend and son in law.
Generation No. 81 Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Romulus Silvius was a king of Alba Longa.
Generation No. 82 Aventinus [82] Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu & Lahamu [2] Tiamat & Absu [1] Aventinus, one of the kings of Alba Longa, was buried on the Aventine Hill, which may have been later named after him. He is said to have reigned thirty-seven years, and to have been succeeded by Procas, the father of Amulius.
Generation No. 83 Procas [83] Aventinus [82] Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Procas was a king of Alba Longa, as well as the father of Amulius and Numitor.
Generation No. 84 1. Numitor [84] Procas [83] Aventinus [82] Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Numitor was a king of Alba Longa, son of Procas, and the father of Rhea Silvia. The king was overthrown by his brother, Amulius, and thrown out of his kingdom where he had ruled. Amulius also murdered his sons, in a partially vain effort to remove power from his brother for himself. His grandsons, however, Romulus and Remus, reinstated Numitor after killing Amulius.
2. Amulius [84] Procas [83] Aventinus [82] Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Amulius was the brother of Numitor and son of Procas. He was the hostile uncle of Romulus and Remus' mother. His brother, Numitor, was the King of Alba Longa. After Amulius overthrew him and took the throne, the new king forced Rhea Silvia, Numitor's daughter, to become a Vestal Virgin. As a priestess of Vesta, she would... theoretically... never bear any sons that might overthrow him. However, Rhea Silvia was impregnated by the god Mars, resulting in the birth of Romulus and Remus. Where there's a will... particularly a royal or god-like will... there's a way. Amulius... apparently a bit perturbed by this chain of family-oriented events... made the next obvious move and buried Rhea Silvia alive and threw her sons into the river Tiber. Perhaps a bit overdone, but the plan did have the characteristic of being definitive. As for the excuse used for such drastic actions, Amulius claimed that she had violated her oaths of chastity, and thus deserved her (and her son's) fate(s). Inasmuch as getting pregnant is traditionally considered to be reasonably good evidence of such chastity violations, this excuse seemed to have sufficed for political correctness. As for the offspring... anyone not capable of defending themselves is pretty much cannon fodder for powerful males. Meanwhile, Down by the Riverside, the twins were found by the relatively recently promoted river-god, Tibernius (remember him; the king who had drowned many generations ago... but who in the interim had apparently learned to swim?). Tibernius gave the two infant males to a she-wolf to suckle -- pretty much standard fare in those days... albeit unwanted children were typically just thrown to the wolves. The fact that the she-wolf might have been something of an anarchist in wolf circles... was not necessarily something understood by Tibernius. In any case, Tibernius then saved and, according to one version of the story, married Rhea Silvia -- apparently as a reward for his heroic behavior (in the face of a very angry Amulius). However, as evidenced by the return to life demonstrated by the Pirates of the Caribbean... history... this only meant that Rhea had to tolerate a few barnacles in her wedding bed. (A bit of a bummer after having had sex with a god.) Romulus and Remus went on to found Rome and overthrow Amulius, reinstating their grandfather Numitor as king of Alba Longa. It’s the reason one has grandchildren... to reinvigorate the family tree.
Generation No. 85 Rhea Silvia [85] Numitor [84] Procas [83] Aventinus [82] Romulus Silvius [81] Agrippa [80] Tibernius Silvius [79] Capetus [78] Capys [77] Atys [76] Alba [75] Latinus Silvius [74] Aeneas Silvius [73] Silvius (I) [72] Aeneas (=Lavinia) [71] Anchises (=Inanna) [70] Capys (=Themiste) [69] Assaracus (=Aigesta) [68] Tros (=Callirrhoe; or Acallaris) [67] Erichthonius (=Astyoche) [66] Dardanus (=Batea) [65] -- Enki (=Electra) [5] Anu and Antu [4] Anshar and Kishar [3] Lahmu and Lahamu [2] Tiamat and Absu [1] Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa and a direct descendant of Aeneas. When Numitor's younger brother Amulius seized the throne and killed Numitor's sons, Amulius forced Rhea Silvia to become a Vestal Virgin, a priestess to the goddess Vesta, so that the line of Numitor would have no heirs. Did we mention that Vestal Virgins were sworn to celibacy for a period of thirty years? After that, apparently, it was pretty much making up for lost time. Rhea Silvia claimed that the god Mars then came upon her and seduced her in the forest, thereby conceiving the twins. It’s as good a story as any... but it doesn’t make it clear the degree to which Rhea might have resisted the god’s advances. When the obviously prudish Amulius learned of this, he imprisoned (or buried alive) Rhea Silvia and ordered a servant to kill the twins. However, the servant instead set them adrift in the river Tiber... knowingly or unknowingly taking a page from Tiye’s plans for Moses. Conveniently, the river overflowed its banks, leaving the infants in a pool by the bank, where a she-wolf, who had just lost her own cubs, suckled them. Subsequently, Tibernius rescued the boys, and they were raised by his wife Larentia. Romulus and Remus went on to found Rome and overthrow Amulius, reinstating Numitor as King of Alba Longa.
Obviously, the claim of a “virgin” (vestal or otherwise) being impregnated by a god (or a spirit of a god... but nonetheless ending up just as pregnant) sounds vaguely familiar. The curious aspect, however, is that both stories just might well have been true. At the same time, an interesting morsel is that the number of divine interventions/encounters of the begatting kind from the time of Romulus and Remus (circa 750 BCE) to the time of Jesus... were becoming noticeably rarer... and beginning in the CE era, the idea totally drops out of favor. This might be explained by the change in head honchos happening in 600 BCE, when Enki and the Age of Pisces (Neptune/Enki) initiated a new age of Man... in particular, one without the gods and goddesses getting involved in intimate ways. With that in mind... We can now turn to the Dynamic Duo themselves: Romulus and Remus!
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