Geologic Anomalies
Geologic anomalies abound throughout this world and others which suggest interventions of an extraterrestrial form (and, in some cases, the intentional kind). For example... Sediments found off the coast of Greenland bear chemical traces indicating the existence of photosynthesis as early as 3.8 billion years ago. Based on this and other evidence, Sleep of Stanford University [1] concluded that the “window of time” when life on Earth began was just the 200 million years between 4.0 and 3.8 billion years ago. “Everything alive today evolved from organisms that originated within that Window of Time.” Other scientists have concluded that no matter how life began on Earth, it did so about 4.0 billion years ago, and probably by some “catastrophic event.” Nobel prize winner Manfred Eigen [2] concluded that a primordial gene appeared 3.89 billion years ago (plus or minus 600 million), and “this would be possible only in the case of an extraterrestrial origin.” Lynn Margulis [3] has raised the same point when she asked the question: “Did our organic matter originate in interstellar space?” While science has been occasionally successful in explaining how life on Earth evolved, it has never adequately explained how it began! The reality is that the murky-soup or life-from-clay hypotheses (the only current theories remotely viable) are no longer sufficient to account for life on Earth (although either method might have been feasible if there had been more time and energy). The Annals of Earth simply don’t support such theses. The concept of an extraterrestrial source for life on Earth relies on “celestial emissaries”, e.g. comets, meteors, and/or impacting asteroids. Sir Fred Hoyle [4] has said: “about four billion years ago life arrived on a comet.” Lynn Margulis [3] noted that many organisms, when faced with harsh conditions, “release tough little packages (“Propagules”) that carry genetic material into more hospitable surroundings..” Nobel Laureate Sir Francis Crick [5] in a paper titled “Directed Panspermia” went a step further when he concluded that the first organisms or spores came from an extraterrestrial source, not by chance, but as “the deliberate activity of an extraterrestrial society.” Ah yes! We arrive at the core: The possibility of “Prime Directive” Violations. There is a very strong suggestion that life was planted on Earth billions of years ago, intentionally, and with complete awareness of the implications. Thereafter, life began the incredibly slow evolutionary process, thus accounting for the following billions of years. Until suddenly, roughly 550 million years ago, an extraordinary event occurred in the geologic record of the planet Earth. Known as the Cambrian Explosion, the evolution of life on Earth moved from mind-numbing biological simplicity to burgeoning complexity. Suddenly, and with spectacular effect, the trick of cellular differentiation and aggregation into multicellular organisms occurred. An explosion of new life forms came about, with a bewildering variety of complexity. The degree of this complexity can best be demonstrated by reference to the phyla of the Cambrian Era. The biological hierarchy for life and its many forms, includes kingdoms (essentially animals and plants), below which is phyla, and then classes (e.g. mammals and reptiles). Phyla represent discrete body plans, upon which many variations are possible. There are 30 major phyla in today’s world, just as there have been for the past 500 million years. This is a striking continuity of anatomical designs, upon which as many as 50 billion variants have come and gone. However, in the aftermath of the Cambrian Explosion, there may have been as many as 100 phyla! (Most quickly becoming extinct.) What caused this explosion of life in huge variations and the “phase transition”, or what was literally a “quantum leap”, from single-celled to multicellular organisms? The Cambrian Explosion was a geologically brief moment of tremendous evolutionary experimentation, followed by a severe sorting process -- severe in terms of species, with whole phyla (which includes a whole wrath of different species) going extinct in a geologic twinkling of an eye. Furthermore, the shape of today’s world was influenced to a large extinct by which phyla survived 500 million years ago! The question which arises is whether or not the extinction of 70 phyla was random or natural. David Myers [6] has theorized an extraterrestrial intervention into the natural evolution of Earth by the bringing into close orbit an artificial satellite which we now refer to as the Moon! This astounding and controversial suggestion has three major points in its favor. The first is that the sudden appearance of the Moon in orbit about the Earth would have profound effects on the Hyperdimensional Physics and the ability of the Earth-Moon system to tap into the Zero-Point Energy of other dimensions. The sudden surge of resulting energies would be more than enough for the Cambrian Explosion of new life. This would thus explain why the Cambrian Explosion occurred, as well as how. Meanwhile, the subsequent elimination of seventy percent of the phyla in the Cambrian Period from a natural evolutionary process does not make sense in and of itself, and suggests strongly that intervention by extraterrestrial intelligences might have been the key. It’s rather like an extraterrestrial culture bringing a Moon into orbit around a planet ripe for a quantum leap in evolution, and then tweaking the system in order to choose the phyla which the extraterrestrial culture has determined would be allowed to survive. Natural selection may have played a part, but may have been only a part of the process. It would have been equivalent to the same process a modern day gardener might use in creating the best roses for market or flower competition. A second point in Myers’ favor is the distinct possibility that the Moon currently in orbit about the Earth is, in fact, artificial. When one of the landers of the Apollo missions was allowed to crash back onto the surface of the Moon, scientists were amazed to discover through their seismology instruments that the Moon “rang like a bell”. This suggests a hollow Moon -- which in turn suggests an artificial Moon. Hoagland [7] and others have suggested that the anomalously large size of the Earth’s Moon (based on the satellites of other planets in our solar system) is not arbitrary. The fact the Moon precisely fills the Sun’s disk during a total solar eclipse is not coincidental according to this argument. Neither is the distance from the Earth to the Moon arbitrary, but was at one time (millions of years ago) exactly 60 times the radius of the Earth. This relationship is significant in the theory of Hyperdimensional Physics and might have contributed to the quantum-like leap in the Earth’s evolutionary history. In addition, the timing of the exact relationship (based on the Moon’s current and apparently steady progression away from the Earth) is the Permian Period, 285 million years ago, the Age of the Dinosaurs, and the final Period in the Paleozoic (“old life”) Era. The third point is the evidence for a time When the Earth Was Moonless. The simple assumption that the Moon was created simultaneously with the Earth is... well, simplistic. A later arrival of the Moon, either by chance or intention, or as an artificial vehicle or just a natural, very large hunk of rock is much more likely. Curiously, and as equally baffling as the Cambrian Explosion, there have also been mass extinctions of species. In the Permian Extinction, no less than 96 percent of all the then-existing species perished (possibly a K-Mart Blue Light special on discontinued species). The Permian close-out special occurred 250 million years ago and began a trend in mass eliminations. Based on the fossil record, mass extinctions have occurred (in terms of millions of years): 250, 222, 198, 175, 146, 126, 94, 68, 42, and 16 million years ago -- and thereby displaying a periodicity of approximately 26 million years. As a result of these extinctions, 99.9 percent of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct! The question that must be asked is whether or not the mass extinctions (and the lesser extinctions) are natural or if they’re induced by “Prime Directive” Violations. Scientists today might argue that the Dinosaurs disappeared as the result of a comet hitting the earth. But could this just have easily been an interstellar war? Or a large rock aimed at the Earth? What better way to have a rock fight with someone than to be at the top of a gravity well and your opponent at the bottom? Ever try to have a rock fight from the bottom of a well, with the other guy at the top? See, for example, Robert Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. In fact, one might ask the question as to whether or not the current “lesser” extinction rate of species in the modern world -- due in large part to the actions of an allegedly intelligent species (in this case, humankind) -- might eventually culminate in yet another mass extinction! An extinction that might potentially include the perpetrator either as a result of cause and effect, or as an overt act by a displeased higher tribunal. Future Interventions “Prime Directive” Violations Forward to: Cydonia Are the Extraterrestrials Who First Came to Earth Still Here? References [1] Sleep, Norman, Nature, November 8, 1989. [2] Eigen, Manfred, Science, May 12, 1989. [3] Margulis, Lynn, Newsweek, October 2, 1989. [4] Hoyle, Sir Fred, New Scientist, November 17, 1977. [5] Crick, Francis, Icarus, Vol 19, 1990. [6] Myers, David P., Two-Thirds, Aulis Publishers, London, 1993. [7] Hoagland, Richard, Lecture presented at the International Forum on New Science, A Summary of the Geologic Record 3.8 to 4.0 Billion Years Ago: LIFE! (Directed Panspermia?) 550 Million Years Ago: Cambrian Explosion (30 of 100 Phyla make it) 285 Million Years Ago: Permian Extinction (End of Dinosaurs) 250, 222, 198, 175, 146, 126, 94, 68, 42, and 16 Million Years Ago: Extinctions! (26 Million Year Cycle?)
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