History 009An alternative, secret agent styled chronology is far more intriguing than the officially sanctioned history of the powers-that-be who use history to justify and legitimize their rule (see Chronicles of Earth). There is, for example, the antithesis of the patriarchal rule: the anti-His-story tales where the Great Goddess, Inanna (Isis, Astarte...) is the star. For Updates, see also the Halexandria Forum)
Inanna’s Herstory not only begins in the ancient days, but provides us with a fascinating chain of links -- complete with all the twists and turns of a good mystery novel -- between then and the realities of today. The fact that so much of the material below is available on the open market and yet not readily known by the average individual is just one more example of the use of history to hide the true state of affairs in the world today. It all begins with Inanna, the Sumerian Great Goddess, the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Goddess of Love -- who also holds the offices of Goddess of War, Fertility, Grain, Healing, Emotions, Song and Lifegiver, and the Lady of Myriad Offices. (Which when you think about it, pretty well covers it. Inanna was the ultimate multi-tasker!) Her best days were in the approximate period from roughly 4,000 B.C.E. to rather more precisely 2,000 B.C.E. -- although her lineage may go much further back... oh say, another 20,000 years or so. She was the favorite of Anu, the head honcho of the Anunnaki, and thus in the true style of beautiful favorites everywhere, got away with bloody murder! Inanna is credited with bringing the aspects of civilization to humankind. These aspects, called The Me by the Anunnaki, included everything from kingships and crowns, to speech and lovemaking, to heroes and treachery, to crafts and rites. Her mythology also included a Descent into the Underworld, where she gave up her ego, will, power and ultimately her life, confronted her dark side, and found wisdom and enlightenment. She is in all respects the archetype of the Great Goddess. [It’s perhaps relevant that the original, Sumerian version of her Underworld adventures consisted of 415 lines, whereas the Babylonian version -- after Marduk and the patriarchy had taken over and began (in today’s fashion) cooking the books -- is only 145 lines.] In her Sumerian temples, priestesses taught selected males the art of lovemaking and in the process fostered in them the males' intuitive and emotional side. Other women, throughout Sumer, would also come to Inanna's temple, where they would have sex with strangers. Such sex, however, was considered sacred and, in fact, continues today in such traditions as Tantric Yoga practices. In effect, the orgasms were offered up to the Great Goddess as a gift -- which certainly beats the hell out of human sacrifices and the like! This sexual tradition was in all respects, a very profound, religious act of worship. Inanna's worship as the Great Goddess was continued down through the ages, following the fall of Sumer, but under different names. Inanna became Ishtar of Babylon, Isis of Egypt, Ceres or Cybele of Rome, Astarte of the Jews, Brigit of the Celts, and carried on in various guises such of Aphrodite or Demeter in Greece. As Ishtar, the sexual worship was continued, despite the best efforts of the patriarchy to stamp it out. The Old Testament, for example, refers to Ishtar's priestesses as the "Whores of Babylon". Obviously, they were not whores, not even prostitutes, but priestesses, who incidentally, had a much better form of worship than lighting candles, counting beads, and wailing before a wailing wall. The Goddess worship also included experiential forms of psychologically descending into the Underworld (kno1wn to the Greeks as Hades -- Hades being the place “from which all good things came”). In the descent, the initiate journeyed through seven gates, where the mundane illusions of life were eliminated, just as in Inanna's Descent into the Underworld. The seven gates were also thought of as the seven veils. As such, they were symbolically alluded to in the Dance of the Seven Veils (which, unfortunately, is often viewed without any knowledge of what is actually happening). The reality, of course, is that the worship of Ishtar or Astarte -- the mother goddess and "Queen of Heaven" -- involved a seven-stage initiation of profound significance. [For an real treat, read Tom Robbin’s novel, Skinny Legs and All, Bantam, 1990, which includes a unique Dance of the Seven Veils, complete with interpretation. <http://www.rambles.net/robbins_skinny.html>.] Solomon, also no dummy when it came to women, was among those who worshipped the Goddess. See, for example, Proverbs 1:8; 1:20-33, 2:15-19, 9:1-3... and so forth. The key is to recognize in these writings that the goddess of wisdom was Sophia -- from which derived the word “philosophy”, i.e. Philo-sophia. Also, in the Gospel of Luke, Mary Magdalen is described as a woman "out of whom went seven devils." It is generally assumed that this phrase refers to a sort of exorcism on Jesus's part, implying the Magdalen was "possessed". However, it may also refer to the conversion or ritual initiation of the goddess -- the Dance of the Seven Veils. Magdalen, after all, was of Magdala, the "Village of Doves", where sacrificial doves were raised as part of the sacred worship of Astarte, the Phoenician Great Goddess. Keep in mind that Astarte was worshipped in the Temple of Solomon alongside the God, Yahweh. It is also noteworthy that, popular tradition notwithstanding, the Magdalen is not, at any point in the Gospels, said to be a prostitute. On the other hand, if Mary Magdalen was a worshiper of the Great Goddess, she might have been so stigmatized by the patriarchy. The Great Goddess was very much a part of Jewish history, particular with regard to The Twelfth Tribe of Israel. This lady really gets around! If you doubt this, then consider the following scenario* (ideally in the order given): 1. The Twelfth Tribe of Israel 4. Crusades and Secret Societies 9. John XXIII 10. The Holy Grail 11. Mary Magdalen 12. Wedding at Cana 13. Bloodlines 15. The Crucifiction 16. The Hypothesis Or for a slightly more Biblical view -- laced with reality, one can turn to A Family Perspective with regards to Jesus and his ancestry/progency. OR... return to the days of yester... year. Genesis Annals of Earth Chronicles of Earth Sumerian Anunnaki Enki and Enlil 600 B.C.E. Or quantum leap forward to: Near-Earth Objects The Party’s Over Justice, Order, and Law *This very abbreviated historical perspective -- and the evidence to justify the contents herein -- is taken from numerous sources, including specifically the excellent book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln [Dell Publishing, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1983].
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