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The Myth and Legend of D'PTah

Premiered 9/9/9 (9 September 2009)

The Myth and Legend of D'PTah


Dan Sewell Ward


The following report was found intact in what is believed to be an undisturbed time capsule dating back several hundred years. Close examination of the mechanism provided no evidence of interim manipulation or covert editing of the document, such that the entirety of the report may be considered to be a complete and accurate edition. Furthermore, the circumstances surrounding the report's discovery support its credibility as a valid historical document. It is communicated herein as a plausible understanding of times long ago.


Editor's Note

This volume contains all segments of the original Interim Reports concerning the Myricon Discoveries.

For the sake of both historical accuracy and archaeological research rules and legitimacies, none of these reports have been edited or changed in order to reflect subsequent, revisionist, or deceptive understandings derived from more recent at arms length translations and interpretations.

This volume thus includes the timely reactions by the original, principle authors of the Segments.


May the Truth in All of its Glory Continue to be Pursued


Segment: Each of several parts into which a thing is or can be divided or marked off. The smallest distinct part of a spoken utterance, or to undergo cleavage or divide into many cells. A section, part, division, portion, piece, fraction, fragment, slice, wedge, component, or element.


Music: In the narrative, numerous references and links are made to various musical compositions, most of which can be included while you continue reading (courtesy primarily of You Tube).


Foreword: There is no foreword for this novel... primarily because a novel should in general not require a foreword (and/or a plot spoiler). However, this novel does have an Afterword, references, and footnotes to improve the novel's enjoyability. In addition, the Afterword can be said to provide an equal opportunity scenario for those among us who are living their lives backwards through time, and/or those who simply prefer to read their novels from finish to start.


First Light

Paros -- Nine Months Prior

Discovery at Myricon

The Quiet Before the Storm

Angels of Ningish

DefCon 5

Perils of Archaeology



State of the World




Scribes, Bards, and Sages

The Quiet Before the... Holy War


The Great Ecumenical Council

Se La Vie

Cast Adrift

Regency at Mid Stride

Trials of Tribulation

Perils of Martyrdom

Riots of the Righteous



Belle of the Ball

The Cleansing



All The Ships At Sea

A World Age

Con Te Partiro (the alternate lyrics)




Copyright 2009 Dan Sewell Ward, All Rights Reserved



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